Elective Courses
103. Elementary Particles (B-5)
Introduction. Basic concepts and experimental methods. Symmetries and conservation laws. Weak, electromagnetic and strong interactions. Introduction to gauge theories. Unified theories. Astroparticle physics.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: C. Foudas
104. Introduction to Field Theory (B-5)
Dirac equations. Klein-Gordon equations. Quantization of electromagnetic radiation. Simple applications of relativistic field theory.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: I. Rizos (coord.), D. Gioutsos
105. Cosmology (B-5)
Introduction to the standard cosmological model. Basic assumptions (homogeneity, isotropy). General relativity, perfect fluid), Robertson-Walker metric, perfect fluid distribution, Einstein and Friedmann equations. Flat and curved cosmological models, cosmological constant. Cosmological observational data: redshift, Hubble expansion, age of universe, dark matter, nucleosynthesis. Physics of the primordial Universe, background microwave radiation. Problems in the big-bang theory: the cosmological constant, flatness and horizon problems, dark matter, baryogenesis, primordial, perturbations. Inflating universe: solution of basic problems. Inflation models. Evolution of primordial perturbations: structure formation in the universe.
Hours: (4,0,0)
Teachers: P. Kanti, L. Perivolaropoulos (coord.)
106. Gravity and General Theory of Relativity (Γ-4)
Introduction to differential geometry and Riemann geometry. Fundamental concepts of general relativity and Einstein equations. Elementary solutions, Newtonian limit and classical tests of the theory. Introduction to geometry and physical interpretation of black holes. Schwarzschild formula. Introduction to Robertson-Walker cosmological models.
Hours: (4,0,0)
Teachers: L. Perivolaropoulos
108. Differential Geometry (Γ-4)
Curvature and torsion. Theory of curves. First and second fundamental form. Theory of surfaces. Tensor calculus. Internal geometry.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: I. Florakis
109. Computational Methods in Physics (Γ-4)
Root determination of algebraic equations. Calculation of determinants. Matrix diagonalization. Numerical integration. Interposition methods. Monte-Carlo integration. Solution of first and second order differential equations. Schroedinger-type differential equations. Solution of integral equations in physics. Minimization methods. Simulation methods (Monte-Carlo, molecular dynamics).
Hours: (2,0,2)
Teachers: G. Evangelakis
110. Quantum Theory of Information (Γ-4)
Quantum Entanglement. Multiple qubits. Quantum Cryptography. Bloch sphere, Density matrix (operator), Decoherence. Bell Inequalities. No-cloning theorem. Introduction to Quantum Computation. Quantum gates and algorithms. NMR as a quantum computer. Quantum dots. Teleportation. Shannon entropy and von Neumann entropy. Quantum error corrections.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: Academic Experience Acquisition Program Teacher
111. Plasma Physics (B-5)
Introductory concepts. Single particle motion. Elements of Kinetic theory. Plasma as a fluid. Wave phenomena, diffusion and conductivity. Equilibrium and stability. Non-linear phenomena. Introduction to controlled fusion.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: A. Nindos (coord.), S. Patsourakos
112. Mathematics for Physicists (Γ-4)
Finite linear vector spaces. Infinite linear vector spaces. Curved coordinate systems. Integral transformations. Conformal transformations. Distributions theory. Differential equations and classical functions. The Sturm-Liouville problem. Solution of differential equations through the Green method. Integral equations.
Hours: (2,1,1)
Teachers: A. Oikonomou
113. Mathematics and Physics by Computers (Γ-4)
Introduction: historical facts, symbolic calculations and relevant software. Basic concepts: Simple algebraic and numerical calculations, functions, derivatives, integrals and roots of equations. Graphical representations: graphical representations of functions in two and three dimensions, graphical representations of data, graphical representation of vector fields, animation. Complex problems: Linear Algebra, Eigenvalues, Eigenfunctions, Series, Differential equations, Numerical calculations. Calculational packages. Applications in Mathematics and Physics.
Hours: (1,0,3)
Teachers: I. Rizos (coord.), A. Oikonomou
114. Classical Electrodynamics II (B-5)
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: L. Perivolaropoulos (coord.), A. Dedes
Weak prerequisites: 52
201. Atomic Physics and Lasers (B-5)
Principles of operation and description of the Laser. Gaussian beams and propagation. CW lasers, population rate equations. Pulsed Lasers, Q-switching, Mode-locking. Types of Lasers. Elements of Quantum Mechanics. One electron atomic systems. Interaction of one electron atomic systems with radiation, transitions, dipole approximation, selection rules, atomic spectra, lifetimes, spectral distributions. Fine and Hyperfine structure. One electron atoms in external fields, Zeeman and Stark effects. Two electron atomic systems, wavefunctions, notation, excited states. Many electrons atomic systems, Central Field Approximation, Thomas-Fermi model, Hartree-Fock method, LS coupling, Hund rules, Periodic Table, Alkali spectra, X-ray spectra. Special Topics of Atomic Physics, Photoionization, Rabi oscillations, interaction with strong laser fields.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: E. Benis
202. Molecular Physics (B-5)
General attributes of molecules, shape, size, molecular bond, dipole moment, polarization. Elements of molecular symmetry, Point group theory. Quantum description of molecular systems, Born-Oppenheimer approximation, electronic states, Molecular orbits. Motion of nuclei, oscillatory and rotational states, molecular system energy, Morse potential, Rotation, Transitions, Selection rules, Rotational spectra, Intensity of spectral lines, Molecular vibration, Transitions, Selection rules, Vibrational spectra, Interaction between vibrational and rotational states, Raman spectroscopy. Electronic transitions, Franck-Condon coefficients. Radiative decay (fluorescence, phosphorescence), Ionization, Molecular break-up. Multi-photon resonant and non-resonant excitation, multi-photon ionization of molecules.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: D. Sofikitis
203. Introduction to Nuclear Physics (B-5)
Properties of nuclei (charge distribution, mass, angular momentum, parity, isotopic spin, electromagnetic torques). Instability of nuclei. Alpha-beta-gamma decay. Nuclear potential.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: N. Patronis
204. Nuclear Physics and Technology (Γ-4)
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: N. Patronis (coord.), C. Stamoulis
205. Solid State Physics II (B-5)
Semiconductors. P-n junctions and Field Effect Transistor (FET/MOSFET). Organic and inorganic photovoltaic. Electric and dielectric properties of solids. Energy storage (ion-lithium batteries, supercapacitors). Transfer of electromagnetic radiation in solids. Photon and phonon crystals. Left-handed materials. Surface plasmons. Magnetic materials and their properties. Ferromagnetic materials (Curie temperature, organic and inorganic ferroelectric materials, ferroelectric capacitors-junctions-transistors, applications to memory devices). Piezoelectric materials. Thermoelectric materials (thermoelectric power, quantum confinement and effective mass). Quantum dots ((quantum confinement and its role in nanotechnology, density of states and energy gap, applications-emphasis on light emission, photovoltaic, hybrid photvoltaic). Physics of carbon and graphene compounds. Physics of liquid crystals.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: G. Floudas
Weak prerequisites: 72
209. Laboratory Courses in Modern Physics (B-6)
The Franck-Hertz experiment for the verification of the atom’s quantum nature. Emission and absorption spectroscopy. Photoelectric phenomenon. Calibration and use of a spectrometer to characterize a Hg light source. Study of the photoelectric phenomenon, calculation of the Plank constant. Michelson Interferometer. Light beam interference, measurement of air refractive index, measurement of light source coherence. Holography. Construction of reflection, two beam, rainbow and color holograms. Holographic interferometry. X-ray diffraction of crystalline materials. Measurement and analysis of the X-ray diffraction pattern of polycrystalline materials. Reconstruction of the unit cell of the crystalline structure of the material.. X-ray generation and absorption of materials. Study of X-ray emission and absorption from different materials. Determination of the Plank constant. Thermal and electrical conductivity of metals. Measurement of the thermal and electrical conductivity of Al and Cu. Law of Wiedemann-Franz. Calculation of the Lorentz number. Semiconductor measurements. Measurement of the specific resistance of various semiconductors (Si, Ge). Measurement of the concentration and the carriers type in p-n contacts. p-n contact potential measurement. The Hall Effect in p- and n-Germanium. Measuring the concentration and mobility of carriers in p- and n-Germanium. Measure the Hall coefficient in p- and n-Germanium. Study of the transition from exogenous to endogenous conduction type by increasing the temperature at p- and n-Germanium. Optoelectronics. Measure the characteristic I-V for various LED diodes. Measurement of characteristic I / V with / without illumination for one or more photovoltaic Si cells. Study of the LED diode emission spectrum. Measuring the intensity of the light energy in relation to the current through an LED. Principles of digital telecommunication. Measurement of parameters and Gaussian beam with optical fiber. (Rayleigh parameter, ω0). Optical fibers and sensors. Coupling Gaussian, (Gaussian) laser light beam into a fiber optic. Study and experimentation of fiber optic properties: reflection, bending loss and fiber couplers. Study and calibration of a sensor, bending as a weight sensor. Interferometer Mach-Zehnder as a temperature sensor in water. Spectrum gamma spectroscopy with NaI detector. Absorption of gamma rays. Measurement of the energy spectrum of radioactive sources 60Co and 137Cs. Calibration procedure and determination of the geometric performance of the NaI detector. Measurement of the linear absorption coefficient of lead. Positron-electron annihilation. Understand the 22Na nuclear diagram. Familiarizing the student with coincidence measurements. Measurement of the 22Na spectrum. Measurement and explanation of the angular distribution of the γ-ray coincidence events (511 keV) corresponding to the positron-electron annihilation. Cosmic Radiation – Lifetime of the Muon. Measuring the flow of cosmic muons in the laboratory. Proof of the phenomenon of time dilation. Measuring the angular distribution (cosθ)2) of the cosmic muons. Use of Geiger-Muler and plastic scintillators. Measuring the lifetime of the muon. Calculation of the Fermi GF coupling constant (weak interaction).
Hours: (1,0,4)
Teachers: A. Douvalis, E. Evangelou, S. Kaziannis, S. Cohen, P. Kokkas (coord.), C. Kosmidis, A. Markou, A. Ikiades, N. Patronis, D. Sofikitis, B. Foteinou
Weak prerequisites: 23, 32, 35, 42, 44, 53
211. Materials Science (B-5)
Atomic and electronic structure of solids, atom and ion bonds. Basic crystal structures and configurations, amorphous materials, polycrystalline materials and monocrystals. Atomic packing. Imperfections and diffusion in solids. Mechanical properties of solids. Phase equilibrium diagrams. Electrical, thermal, magnetic and optical properties of solids. Metallic materials, ceramic materials and glasses. Thermoelectric materials. Carbon, nanostructured and hybrid materials. Polymeric materials (“polymeric “ and “plastic”, classes of polymers, chain modulation, start-end distance.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: A. Markou
212. Structural and Chemical Characterization of Materials (Γ-4)
Introduction. Interactions of radiation with matter. Basic theory of Elastic Scattering. Elastic scattering from single atoms. Crystal diffraction. Basic theory of electron diffraction. Secondary emission. Radiation production, detection and measurement. Applications of X-ray diffraction and neutron diffraction in crystal solids. High and low energy electron diffraction in thin films. Elemental analysis through X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Electron spectroscopy in surface analysis. X-ray absorption spectroscopy and electron loss spectroscopy. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy in surface analysis. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM). Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM).
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: Y. Deligiannakis
215. Physical Chemistry (Γ-4)
Isotopes & nuclear structure: definitions, nuclear shell model, nuclear spin and applications. Electromagnetic radiation & atoms: electromagnetic spectrum, Bohr’s atomic model & applications, exotic atoms. Electronic configuration: aufbau principle, electronic structure & chemical reactivity, periodic table. Crystal field theory: octahedral & tetrahedral geometry, high spin/low spin systems, d-d transitions (Laporte rule, spin-allowed/spin forbidden), Jahn- Teller effect, optical & magnetic properties. Molecular orbitals: molecular orbital theory for diatomic molecules & conjugated polyenes as a prediction tool of molecules & properties, particle-in-a-box. Molecular geometry: Lewis structure, VSEPR theory, hybridization, dipole moment. Crystal structure: simple, body- and face-centered cubic structure, diamond & graphite structure, theoretical density calculations, lattice energy, F-centers. States of matter: Clausius-Clapeyron relation & kinetic theory of gases. Thermochemistry: energy value of fuels, biological fuels, nuclear energy. Chemical thermodynamics: Gibbs free energy change ΔG of chemical reactions, effect of temperature and pressure on ΔG. Chemical kinetics: speed of reaction, integrated rate laws. Electrochemistry: electrolytic cells, products of electrolysis, Faraday’s law, galvanic cells, electrochemical potentials, batteries, cathodic protection.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: A. Bourlinos
218. Polymer Solids (Γ-4)
Introduction, plastics and polymers, classification of polymers, glass transition of polymers, polymer dynamics near the glass point, crystallization of solids, kinetics of crystallization, semi-crystal polymers dynamics, liquid-crystal polymers, chemical/physical structure and applications.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: G. Floudas
Weak prerequisites: 41
219. Medical Physics – Radiophysics (Δ-4)
Interaction of ionizing radiation with matter focusing on medical applications. Dosimetry. Biological effects of ionizing radiation. Introduction to physics of medical imaging (Radiology, Nuclear Medicine). Introduction to physics of radiotherapy. Radioprotection. Classical mechanics applied to human walking.
Hours: (3,0,1)
Teachers: Emfietzoglou Dimitrios, Kyriakou Ioanna
220. Biophysics (Δ-3)
Thermodynamics of biological systems. X-ray diffraction. Spectroscopy techniques of biologic interest materials (IR, Raman, cyclic dichroism, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)). Biological results of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Microscopy techniques of biologic interest materials [optical microscopy, confocal microscopy, super-resolution microscopy) Quantitative image analysis in 3D. Molecular dynamics simulations. Optical and magnetic tweezers. Movement of microorganisms.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: P. Papadopoulos
301. History and Philosophy of Physical Sciences (Δ-4)
Historiography of Science form antiquity to the present day. Social dimension of Science. Science and the problem of truth. Nature in ancient Greek philosophy. The dispute of Aristotelean Physics in Renaissance. Evolutions of ideas after the Renaissance. First scientific revolution-Galileo. Second scientific revolution- discovery of X-rays. Contemporary developments. Logical Empiricism and its criticism. The problem of the method. The progress of scientific theories. Relativism and scientific rationalism.
Hours: (4,0,0)
Teachers: Academic Experience Acquisition Program Teacher
304. Didactics of Physical Sciences (Δ-4)
The nature of Physical Sciences and Learning. Procedures of the scientific method and methods of teaching Physics. Alternative student views and their impact on teaching. The constructivist model of learning. Teaching with experiments. The role of experiment in conceptual change. Pre-existing student ideas on the various concepts of Physics. Examples of constructive approach.
Hours: (4,0,0)
Teachers: E. Evangelou
305. Conceptual Physics and Teaching Experience in Physics (Δ-5)
Physical Sciences. Scientific method. Theory-Observation. Concepts in Physics: Mechanics-Newton’s law-Momentum-Energy-Gravity-Matter. Properties of Matter: Solids, liquids, gases, plasma, temperature-expansion. Heat: transport, phase transitions, thermodynamics. Sound: Vibrations, waves. Sound: musical sound. Electromagnetics: electrostatics, electric current, magnetism, induction. Light: properties, color, reflection, refraction, light waves, emission-light propagation, quanta. Atomic Physics-Nuclear Physics-Elementary Particles Physics: the atom and quantum, nucleus and radioactive decay, nuclear fusion, nuclear fission, nuclear interactions, atomic structure, particle accelerators. Relativity: special theory of relativity, general theory of relativity. Students experimentation and practical work on teaching and microteaching with new technologies. Practical work on developing experiments for education (specialized experiment didactic), presentation of projects-experiments to groups of primary and secondary education students.
Hours: (3,0,1)
Teachers: P. Kokkas, C. Kosmidis, E. Benis (coord.)
306. Introduction to Pedagogics (Δ-4)
Pedagogy and Education Science: Conceptual clarifications and epistemological progress. Discourse and pedagogical knowledge (Savoir). Pedagogical ideology and educational reality. The development and formation of Autocratic Methods of Teaching: historical overview-versions of autocratic method in education-Critical view of contemporary perspectives/practice of autocratic method. The New Education Movement and its effects in Modern Greek Education: education theory and practice in the classroom.
Hours: (4,0,0)
Teachers: Gkaravelas Konstantinos
307. Didactic Methodology (Δ-4)
Topics and themes of didactic methodology. Learning theories. Education theories. Teacher-student relations. The role of the teacher. Interplay of theory and practice in Education Science. Contemporary Education Science Theories. Education Science and postmodernism. Contemporary issues and the role of Education Science. Educational relationship and communication in the classroom.
Hours: (4,0,0)
Teachers: Gkaravelas Konstantinos
308. New Technologies in the Teaching of Physical Sciences (Δ-4)
Introduction: historical overview. Computers in the service of education. Use of computers. Categories of educational applications: computer-aided teaching/learning. Digital educational games. Use of simulations and multimedia in teaching of simple and advanced concepts. Software to create multimedia applications and presentations. Software for analytical calculations for physics problems. Internet in education. Diffusion of courses in the world-wide-web. Software of modern tele-education. E-learning software (teleconferences).
Hours: (1,0,3)
Teachers: Trifyllis Lampros (Academic Experience Acquisition Program Teacher)
309. Educational Phychology (Δ-4)
Theory of learning: (i) Behavioural learning theory. Classical conditioning. Operant conditioning. (ii)Theory of purposive behaviourism, (iii) Social cognitive learning theory, (iv) Cognitive learning theories. Constructivism (atomic constructivism, socio-cultural constructivism). Self-referential learning theories.
Hours: (4,0,0)
Teachers: Michou Aikaterini
310. Educational Sociology (Δ-4)
Education and Social Inequalities: The Sociology as Science and the founders of the sociological reasoning. Sociology of Education: themes and research methodology. Education and equal opportunities. Education and social inequalities: interpretative approaches. School performance and social inequalities. Choice of studies and social inequalities.
Hours: (4,0,0)
Teachers: Zagkos Christos
401. General Meteorology (B-5)
Branches of meteorology and climatology. Weather and climate. The Sun and its radiation. Thermodynamics and hydrostatics of the atmosphere. Precipitation. Atmospheric pressure. Planetary distribution of pressure. Winds, air masses and fronts. Depressions and anticyclones. Elements of weather analysis and prediction. Educational excursion.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: C. Lolis
402. Physics of the Atmosphere (Γ-4)
Structure, composition and thermodynamics of the atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure, density and composition of the atmosphere. Variable atmospheric gases. Temperature structure. Free atmosphere. Equation of State. Variation of pressure with height. Water in the atmosphere. The first Law of Thermodynamics for the atmosphere. Radiation. Orbital parameters. Earth’s orbit, seasonal and daily effects. Sun-set, sun-rise and twilight. Definition of radiative flux, basics of radiation. Radiation balance at Earth’s surface. Physics of clouds. Cloud formation, cloud sizes, fractal structure of clouds. Processes of cloud saturation. Clouds and fog, other types of fog. Precipitation and ice crystals, nucleation of liquid drops and ice crystals. Development and growth of drops and ice crystals by diffusion. Collision and collection of drops. Precipitable water.
Hours: (3,0,1)
Teachers: N. Hatzianastassiou (coord.), C. Lolis, M. Markou
403. Dynamic Meteorology (Γ-4)
Thermodynamics of dry and humid air. Hydrostatics and vertical equilibrium. Basic equations of motion and applications to special flow patterns. Law of conservation of mass and equation of continuity. Conservation of energy. Equations of boundary layer. Circulation and turbulence. Cyclogenesis. Simple formulae of motion of atmospheric waves. Vertical variation of location and strength of pressure systems.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: C. Lolis
Weak prerequisites: 401
404. Fluid Mechanics (Γ-4)
Basic principles of fluid mechanics. Statics of fluids. Kinematics of moving fluids. Equations of motion of moving fluids. Two and three dimensional flows. Flow of viscous fluids. Stress components of a real fluid. Equations of motion of a real fluid. Dimensional analysis. Non-dimensional parameters (Reynolds number, Froude number, Richardson number). Compressible flow. Thermodynamics of fluids. Elements of Magneto-hydrodynamics. Applications.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: N. Bakas
Weak prerequisites: 24
405. Environmental Physics (B-5)
Planet Earth and the origins of its environment. Formation of solid, liquid and gaseous elements. The terrestrial atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. Physical principles of environmental problems. Natural forces. Air pollution. Atmospheric cycles of basic forms of waste. Chemical reactions of gaseous pollutants. Atmospheric ozone. Ozone layer hole. Size distributions of particles. Mechanisms of removal of atmospheric pollutants. Boundary layer. Mixing-length theory. Turbulent flow. Reynolds number. Air pollution and Meteorology. Models of transport, diffusion and deposition. Influence of temperature stratification on diffusion. Influence of meteorological parameters. Pollution drains. Acid rain. Influence of pollution on weather and climate. Influence of pollution on health, plant and animal environment. Radioactive pollution. Noise pollution. Physics and pollution of water (sea, lake, river). Diluted gases. Chemical cycles. Chemical reactions. Bacteriological water pollution. Chemical pollution. Energy and pollution. Environmental impact. Physics and soil pollution.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: N. Hatzianastassiou (coord.), N. Bakas
406. Physical Climatology (Γ-4)
Solar radiation. Distribution of solar radiation in the Earth-atmosphere system. Terrestrial radiation. Distribution of terrestrial radiation. Radiation balance. Boundary friction layer. The influence of turbulence on meteorological parameters. Heat dispersion in the soil. Hydrologic circle. Energy balance of Earth. Energy balance of atmosphere. Energy balance of soil-atmosphere system. Atmosphere and climate evolution and change.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: N. Hatzianastassiou
408. Introduction to Astrophysics (B-5)
Mechanisms of emission and absorption of radiation. Radiative transfer. Stellar magnitudes and distances. Stellar spectra and classification, Hertzsprung–Russell diagram. Internal structure, formation and evolution of stars. Final stages of stars: white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes. The Sun. The solar system. Variable and peculiar stars. Stellar groups and clusters. Interstellar matter. Our Galaxy. Other galaxies. Cosmology.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: A. Nindos
409. Space Weather (Γ-4)
Introduction to the Physics of the interplanetary plasma. Waves in plasmas. Magnetic reconnection. Shock waves. Solar activity. Solar wind. Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections. The terrestrial magnetosphere and its dynamics. Aurora. Space weather and human activities.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: S. Patsourakos
410. Galaxies and Cosmology (Γ-4)
Distribution of stars in the Galaxy. Kinematics of the Galaxy. Morphology of the Galaxy: disk, bulge and halo. Indications of dark matter in the Galaxy. Structure and physical characteristics of other galaxies. Morphological classification of galaxies. Radiation in radio, infrared and X-rays. Dark matter searches. Supermassive black holes. Elements of galactic dynamics. The nature of spirals in galaxies. Evolution of galaxies. Interactions between galaxies. Active galaxies and quasars. Hubble’s law and cosmological assumptions. Observations with cosmological significance. Evolutionary models of the Universe. Open issues: singularity and dark energy.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: A. Nindos
Weak prerequisites: 408
411. Observational Astrophysics (Γ-4)
Introduction. The influence of Earth’s atmosphere and its correction. Aperture theory. Collection of radiation and image formation. Telescopes. Radiation detectors. Spectroscopic analysis. Polarimetric measurements of radiation. Neutron and gravitational radiation detectors. Practical work.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: S. Patsourakos
413. Solar Physics (Γ-4)
Solar observations. Diagnostics of solar plasmas. Interaction of solar plasmas with the magnetic field. One-dimensional models of the solar atmosphere. Solar wind. Oscillations and helioseismology. Fine structure of the solar atmosphere. Solar active regions. Solar activity: flares, Coronal Mass Ejections. Chromospheric and coronal heating. Influences of the Sun on the space environment.
Hours: (3,1,0)
Teachers: V. Archontis
Weak prerequisites: 408
502. Digital Electronics (Γ-4)
Number systems, Binary arithmetic – Basic operations. Bool Algebra – Logic Circuits, Digital signals – creation principles. Basic gates (AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, XNOR), conversions – combinations. Characteristics – specifications of the CMOS, TTl, ECL PECL gates. Assembler (serial parallel), Flip Flop, Shift Register, Counters, Multiplexer-Demultiplexer, Serial Interfaces. Timing-clock circuits. Representation circuits, Generators of pulse-series, Semiconductor memories and products (RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM). Modern high-integration circuits (PAL, PLD, CPLD, etc). ADC, DAC. Introduction to languages describing digital circuits (VHDL). Examples of its use in the description – execution of logical processes.
Hours: (2,1,2)
Teachers: V. Christofilakis (coord.), D. Katsanos, G. Baldoumas, A. Polymeros
504. Introduction to Telecommunications (Γ-4)
Representation of digital signals in time and frequency, pulse spectra. Network communications, network hierarchy. Coupling elements (channel, signal, noise, interpolation, distortion, etc.). Data broadcast, channel capacitance, data broadcasting in basic zone, interpolation, filtering, Nyquist response. Eye diagram, cosine filters, Nyquist filters, adaptive filters. Gain-phase distortion, interpolation-noise. Two-level digital modulations (ASK, FSK, PSK) and multiple levels (ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK, DQPSK, OPQSK, QAM, APK). Encoding of source, channel, block, etc. Multi-users modulation techniques (FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, FH-CDMA, DS-CDMA, etc.), examples, applications.
Hours: (2,0,2)
Teachers: V. Christofilakis (coord.), D. Katsanos
506. Object-Oriented Programming Languages (C++) (Γ-4)
Principles of Object-Oriented Programming. Learning the C++ programming language. Introduction to the CERN data analysis software ROOT: • Learning the C++ programming language in a Linux environment: ◦ Managing folders and files ◦ Basic C++ syntax ◦ Input-output commands ◦ Program flow control commands ◦ Loops ◦ Recursion ◦ Objects ◦ Functions ◦ Classes ◦ Inheritance ◦ Polymorphism • CERN ROOT software: ◦ Function plots ◦ 1-D and 2-D histograms ◦ Data graphs ◦ Fitting mathematical models to data
Hours: (2,0,2)
Teachers: I. Papadopoulos
Weak prerequisites: 25
508. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (Γ-4)
Magnetism of electrons, atomic-ionic magnetic moments and magnetization, Hund’s rules. Diamagnetism, paramagnetism Brillouin and Langevin theories. Crystal field. Mean field theory, band magnetism, Stoner criterion. Direct exchange, superexchange, double exchange and RKKY interactions. Magnetic ordering: ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism and special magnetic ordering. Magnetic anisotropy. Strong and week ferromagnetic metallic materials. Hard and soft magnetic materials. Magnetic domains, single domain particles, Bloch and Néel walls, hysteresis and magnetization inversion mechanisms, Stoner-Wohlfarth model. Magnetization relaxation and superparamagnetism. Magnetic nanomaterials and nanoscale magnetism. Magnetoresistance and spintronics, half-metallic magnetic materials. Modern magnetic materials and their applications. Characteristics and properties of superconducting materials and basic theories for their interpretation.
Hours: (4,0,0)
Teachers: A. Douvalis
Weak prerequisites: 72
509. Computer Measuruments and Automatics (Γ-4)
Detectors and sensors. Analog and digital systems. Analog to digital signal conversion. Analog and digital measuring instruments. Computer architecture. Platforms for application development. Data acquisition systems. Introduction to LabVIEW and applications. Acquisition and processes of images.
Hours: (2,0,2)
Teachers: J. Strologas (coord.), D.E. Bletsas
510. Modern Programmable Electronics (Γ-4)
Theory and applications of programmable integrated circuits (FPGA) and microcontrollers (μC). Introduction to Electronic Design Automation (EDA) and Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and basic input/output applications. Measurements with modern programmable electronic circuits, photodiodes/switches connections, visualization applications, serial/parallel data transfer, coding/decoding, multiplexing, memory circuits, registers, counters, timing issues, arithmetic logic unit, theory and operation of interrupts, branch commands, subroutines, stack and pointers.
Hours: (1,0,3)
Teachers: V. Christofilakis (coord.), C. Foudas, D.E. Bletsas
701. Diploma Thesis (E-10)
The course is annual and it is offered to the students of the 7th and 8th semester. The students interested in the course should be addressed to the faculty member relevant to the topic of the thesis.
Hours: ()
702. Work Placement (ΣΤ-3)
The course is offered only to the students of the 6th, 7th and 8th semester. The students interested in the course should be addressed to the faculty member relevant to the topic of the work placement.
Hours: ()
703. English (Γ-4)
Hours: (4,0,0)
Teachers: Evmoiridou Evgenia
Course Categories
- (Core)
- (Elective, General Track)
- (Elective, Special Physics Subjects)
- (Elective, Various Subjects)
- (Elective, Diploma Thesis)
- (Elective, Work Placement)