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Physics Department Seminars

NOTE: For seminars that will be held remotely using the MS Teams platform, the relevant virtual team is called:Σεμινάριο Τμήματος Φυσικής Παν/μίου Ιωαννίνων
(virtual team password: y5dp6mt )

Current Physics Department Seminars (DOCX file)

The institution of Physics Seminars is one of the oldest in our Department. The institution is implemented by inviting researchers from Research Centers and Universities both domestically and internationally, who present a lecture on a topic of their choice. The topic of the lecture is usually within the recent research interests of the invited speaker and is primarily aimed at the faculty members of the Department. However, there are always students in the audience as well.

The Seminars aim to inform the Department and supply it with new ideas. They are essential for maintaining the research resilience of the Department. It is worth noting that the Latin word seminarium, from which the term seminar derives, originally meant “seedbed”. Indeed, the seminar should function as a seedbed of ideas. For the seminar institution to operate effectively, appropriate resources are necessary, particularly for the University of Ioannina, which is geographically isolated. However, the success of the Department’s seminars is not only a matter of resources but also requires proper planning and some vigilance to attract speakers.

The Physics Seminars are not exclusively aimed at faculty members but also at interested students. It is worth noting that seminars are considered successful when they attract a large audience of students. This, of course, depends greatly on the topic of the lecture. For the above reasons, there has been an effort to establish Talks aimed at reaching a wider audience, primarily students. Additionally, there has been an attempt, even in specialized lectures, to always include a “general” part. Here, both planning and funding play a very important role. The number of such general talks cannot be large, and efforts should be made to have them given by particularly experienced researchers and teachers, mainly from other universities domestically and internationally. There are Physics topics that, even when not part of the official research activities of our Department’s members, interest many, both faculty members and students. These topics can be the subject of Lectures mainly by faculty members of the Department but also by external speakers.

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