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Processes of student requests


Student requests for issuing certificates can be made in the following ways:

  1. In person at the Secretariat. Identity verification is ensured by presenting the Academic or Police ID or the student’s Passport. If the request is submitted by another person on behalf of the student, it must be accompanied by a relevant authorization to the Secretariat of the Department of Physics.
  2. Through Citizen Service Centers (KEP).
  3. By mail or courier service, by sending a letter to the postal address of the Secretariat. The General Application Form (Form A1) or the Responsible Declaration to be filled out by the student must be accompanied by a certification of the authenticity of their signature from the Citizen Service Center. Additionally, a clear copy of both sides of the Police ID or Passport must be enclosed.
  4. Via email to the email address The student, for their request to be processed, must send it from the Institutional account provided to them by the University of Ioannina (in the form of ph*****, or alternatively (if they do not have an Institutional account), they must send their request from the personal email account they have declared to the Secretariat of the Department of Physics. In the case of graduates, a clear copy of both sides of the Police ID or Passport must be attached to the email. Additionally, the email must include the full details of the applicant as well as their phone number.

For requests from graduates for issuing a Detailed Grade Report, Diploma Copy, Computer Science Course Certificate, Oath Certificate, Graduate Classification Certificate, etc., the same procedure as above is followed, with the note that for the issuance of the Detailed Grade Reports and Diploma Copies, a fee of €5.00 per copy is required (Rector’s Council Decision no. 1689/14-09-2021) to be deposited into a special account of the University of Ioannina with the following details: Beneficiary: University of Ioannina, Account Number: National Bank 359/545271-60, IBAN: GR3901103590000035954527160. The proof of deposit must be sent to the email of the Department of Physics Secretariat (

Graduates have the option, if they wish, to apply to be issued a Papyrus (Diploma on Papyrus). The procedure for issuing a Papyrus is as follows:

  1. Completion of the application for the issuance of a papyrus (diploma on papyrus) from the forms of the Secretariat on the website of the Department of Physics.
  2. Deposit of the amount of €20 into the account of the National Bank of Greece with IBAN GR 60 0110 3590 0000 3590 0495 066.
  3. In the field “DEPOSITOR’S NAME,” the name of the graduate student is stated.
  4. In the field “REASON FOR DEPOSIT,” “Issuance of diploma on papyrus” is stated.
  5. Presentation or submission of the proof of deposit to the Secretariat of the Department with all necessary contact information (phone number, etc.).

ATTENTION: The interested party, once informed by the Secretariat of the Department of Physics that the Papyrus has been issued, either collects it in person or contacts a courier company themselves.


The overwhelming majority of requests are responded to on the same or the next working day, provided that the necessary registry information of the students is included in the Student Registry application. Otherwise, requests are responded to within the deadlines set by the Law.


For the certification of a student’s participation/attendance in exams, a relevant Certificate (B10) can be issued by the Examiner/Instructor of the course upon the student’s departure from the specific examination. In the case of a remote examination, the student requests a relevant certificate from the course instructor and then the instructor sends it to the Secretariat of the Department of Physics, which takes the necessary actions.

Students can fill out Form A1 for requests not covered by the above procedures.