
Section of Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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Academic Staff
KOSMIDIS CONSTANTINOS, Professor, Molecular Physics
FOUDAS CONSTANTINOS, Professor, Experimental High Energy Physics
KOKKAS PANAGIOTIS, Professor, Experimental High Energy Physics
COHEN SAMUEL, Professor, Experimental Atomic and Molecular Laser Spectroscopy
PATRONIS NIKOLAOS, Professor, Experimental Nuclear Physics
PAPADOPOULOS IOANNIS, Associate Professor, Experimental High Energy Physics, Director of the Section
BENIS EMMANOUIL, Associate Professor, Experimental Atomic and Molecular Physics
STROLOGAS IOANNIS, Assistant Professor, Experimental High Energy Physics
KAZIANNIS SPYRIDON, Assistant Professor, Experimental Molecular Physics
SOFIKITIS DIMITRIOS, Assistant Professor, Atomic and Molecular Physics
FOTEINOU BARBARA, Assistant Professor, Experimental Nuclear Physics and Applications

Laboratory Teaching Staff

Technical Administrative Staff

3rd Physics Laboratory (Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory – ATOMOL)
6th Physics Laboratory (Nuclear Physics)
2nd Physics Laboratory (High Energy Physics and Applications)

Research Activities
The scientific objectives and research goals of the Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory (ATOMOL) are highly related to the fundamentals of atomic and molecular structure and dynamics, as well as to the development of applications based on laser technology. Specifically, a variety of spectroscopic techniques are exploited in the study of highly excited and auto-ionizing atomic states, and in taming non-linear processes such as harmonic generation. Mass spectrometry techniques are routinely used for the study of molecular electronic states and the dynamics involved. In addition, imaging techniques including pump-probe approaches are currently developed for the study of interaction of strong laser fields with molecules and their exploitation into the development of new techniques (molecular alignment, etc). Theoretical studies, aligned to the experimental surveys, are provided by members of the laboratory. As far as the applied science is concerned, ATOMOL personnel practices analytical laser techniques, laser ablation, development of thin films, Bragg gratings in fibers, photonic sensors, and related applications of photonics in communications and industry.

The research campaigns of the Nuclear Physics Laboratory are oriented towards the study of nuclear structure, nuclear reaction mechanisms and nucleosynthesis with stable and radioactive beams. The experiments are performed at various European and/or International Large Scale Facilities (GANIL, ISOLDE-CERN, INFN Legnaro and Catania) and other European Laboratories equipped with accelerators. Among the research interests of the Laboratory are the issues of Applied Nuclear Physics such as nuclear microanalysis and radioecology (study of the disposal mechanisms of radioactive isotopes in the environment).

The Laboratory of High Energy Physics and Applications participates in the CMS experiment at CERN which studies the pp interactions at conditions of 13 TeV center-of-mass energy. The laboratory participated in the design, development and construction of silicon-based detection systems as well as electronic-microelectronic systems for the Preshower subdetector and the triggering system of CMS. It has a leading role in the development of the Barrel Muon Trigger Processor electronic card for CMS at the HL-LHC. The group is also actively involved in the processing and analysis of CMS data, especially in QCD and Physics beyond the Standard Model.

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