
Section of Astro-geophysics

Academic Staff
NINDOS ALEXANDER, Professor, Solar and Space Physics, Director of the Section
HATZIANASTASSIOU NIKOLAOS, Professor, Meteorology and Climatology
ARCHONTIS VASILEIOS, Professor, Astrophysics
PATSOURAKOS SPYRIDON, Professor, Plasma Physics of the Sun and of the interplanetary medium
LOLIS CHRISTOS, Associate Professor, Physics of the Atmospheric Environment – Meteorology – Climatology
BAKAS NIKOLAOS, Assistant Professor, Meteorology

Laboratory & Teaching Staff

Laboratory of Astronomy
Laboratory of Meteorology and Climatology

Research Activities
The research activities of the members of the Laboratory of Astronomy include the areas of Solar and Space Physics as well as of Space Weather. Physical processes occurring in the solar atmosphere and the interplanetary space are studied in both observational and theoretical ends. Observations are collected from both ground and space observatories and practically cover the entire electromagnetic spectrum (from hard X-rays to metric radio wavelengths). The research covers all layers of the solar atmosphere as well as all levels of solar activity from the “quiet” Sun to the solar active regions and the solar eruptive phenomena. Moreover, the impact of solar eruptive phenomena on the Earth is also studied in the frame of Space Weather. Using observations from the space telescope ROSAT, stars with chromospheric activity in the XUV (60 – 200 Å) are studied. Finally, the equilibrium, stability and transport phenomena for both laboratory and astrophysical plasmas are studied.

The research activities of the members of the Laboratory of Meteorology and Climatology include phenomena associated with Meteorology and Climatology, Atmospheric and Environmental Physics, as well as their spatio-temporal behavior. Emphasis is given on climate changes on a global scale, in Greece, as well as on local scale in the region of Ioannina. Moreover, the following are studied: 1) the long-range transport and the role of aerosols and atmospheric waste at planetary level, in the South-East Europe, the Mediterranean and Greece, 2) the solar (total, infrared and diffuse) and terrestrial radiation, 3) biometeorologic topics and, 4) atmospheric dynamics. Finally, weather forecast for the region of Epirus on a 2×2 km2 grids is carried out and weather alerts for extreme weather phenomena are issued for the public and local authorities.

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