Work Placement

Starting from the 6th semester of their studies, students may participate in work placement for a certain period of time in Greek or international organizations and companies of the public and private sector (e.g., Public Power Corporation, Hellenic Telecommunications Organization, businesses),  with the aim of carrying out practical work and obtaining specialization in Physics-related topics. For this reason students could select a faculty member as their supervisor who submits along with the interested student a detailed plan of the training and educational activities to the Department's Secretariat which includes the name of the host as well as the period that the internship will be effective. After the completion of the internship the student submits with the collaboration of his/her supervisor a final report on the internship's activities, along with a certification of the host. The report is evaluated by the Committee of the Studies Programme of the Department. In the case of a favorable evaluation 3 ECTS credits are ascribed to the student. These credits are counted in the 240 required for obtaining a diploma but without the corresponding grade. Work placement may or may not be funded.

The Department has established a single internship framework that includes the procedures for selecting candidates (in case of funding) as well as the procedures for registering the respective credit units.

Single Internship Framework